London Beer Festival 2025

A range of 12 real ales and six craft cans will be available in pubs in London and surrounding areas during a 12-day festival.
The festival will run from Wednesday 22 January to Sunday 2 February, inclusive.

It will include several beers, from well-known breweries such as Mad Squirrel and Siren, not previously available at Wetherspoon.
Full allergen information about all of the beers featured can be found on this website, by searching for a pub here, on the app and on each pub’s customer information screen.
As well as featuring a range of malt and hop varieties, there are also beers whose ingredients include tea, coffee and fruit.
The festival’s cask line-up also includes ‘champion beer of Britain’ (silver) Anspach & Hobday The IPA, in both cask and can. This is featured alongside By The Horns Foundry, Mad Squirrel Aussie Aussie Aussie and Windsor & Eton Eureka!
The range of six craft cans has beers from Anspach & Hobday, By The Horns, Camden, East London, Signature and The Wild Beer Co.
These are all great value-for-money beers – with tasting notes on all of them available in the pubs, as well as on the app. They can also be downloaded here.
All ales will be available to order at the bar and via the Wetherspoon app.
A list of participating pubs is available here.